Optical Design & Simulation

EcoGlass has years of experience developing and designing special optics for LED lighting, optical systems for airfield lighting or train headlamps. We can design optics according to your specific requirements for your application. Being glass experts and after working for more than 30 years in glass industry, we design optics with respect to manufacturing limits. Our optical simulation software TracePro enables us to work with various materials and ray data of LED sources or design laser source. We use illumination data or images of target to tune the result with respect to customer’s requirements. Result of our work is a 3D model of optical component/s and simulation results.
Once the customer is satisfied with the result in simulation we can follow by manufacturing prototypes and serial production.
If you already have a 3D model of your optics but would like to test it with various light sources we can prepare a report with simulation results using our software.
We offer a wide range of our Standard optical elements, which you can find at our online shop. If you are not sure which lens to choose we can test several of our optics in your optical system and make a recommendation.